In an attempt to find a baseball card substitute, I went into my local newsagents and bought a few packs of whatever they had on offer. The second selection comes from the TV series 'Top Gear'. This is what you may refer to as a 'blokes' show. It is crammed full of anything that moves and can be tinkered with; cars, trucks, bikes, rockets, pushbikes, supermarket trolleys. There is some fast racing, dangerous stunts, celebrity racing and the occasional scantly clad woman. I'm not sure whether it has made its way across to the US, no doubt you probably have your own version. It is, however, very popular with certain age groups of a particular gender.
So a card set? A glorified Top Trumps, at £1.50 a packet for 9 cards is asking a little too much.

The cards are exactly as you would expect, pictures of cars, dangerous stunts and not a scantly clad lady to be found. Which is fortunate, as this is a set aimed at children. A collectors album to hold your cards is available. This appears to be the norm these days.
My favourite moment of the series was a few years back when two of the presenters tried to modify a K-reg Reliant Robin, a three wheeled car, into a reusable space shuttle. They achieved a successful launch but the car failed to separate from the fuel tank, crashed to the ground and exploded shortly after. They now have the dubious record of having the largest rocket launched by a non-government organisation in Europe.
Brilliant TV.