Glad that they have finally made it!
This is what Texas Rangers Cards thought of the package. (Link)
A 8 out of 30 ratio isn't bad but not great. Its funny that people are surprised by the inclusion of an auto or game used card. I didn't realise that they were still popular. If I have one, I will include it in the package.
The return package arrived today. Robert has included the one base Red Sox 2008 Goudey that has eluded me CLAY BUCHHOLZ-finally! plus
2008 Topps Update and Highlights 68 Jonathan Papelbon
2008 Topps Update and Highlights 107 Jason Varitek
2 packs of 2008 Goudey.
I love bust packs, it doesn't matter if I have the cards already, there is just something about busting packs.
Thanks Spiff, I have build up another 30+ cards and will post them out soon.
Thanks again for the package. I finally got something small out to you in return.
Glad you got what I sent and could use at least one. I was hoping to have hit a want or two. Thanks again for the trade.
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